
Any day is a good day for Noveller

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Noveller Fantastic Planet

Almost assuredly your mood will dictate your daily music preferences, which is why it’s always good to have some standby’s handy. Enter Sarah Lipstate, who’s shapeshifting Noveller project can take on just about any temper. On the latest single from her forthcoming Fantastic Planet LP (coincidentally, the same name as a popular Failure record), “No Unholy Mountain”, we see her transcend into a cinematic waterscape—a serene, yet subtly dark backdrop fitting for just about any score. The tones Lipstate is able to conjur from an electric guitar are complicatedly beautiful, which is to say it will be appreciated by passive and active music listeners alike. It’s like a choose your own adventure; you can delve in and dissect it, or just sit back and let the tranquil sounds envelop you.

Fantastic Planet will be released on January 27 via Fire Records. You can stream “No Unholy Mountain” below.