
Pattern Is Movement, “Untitled (How Does It Feel?)” (D'Angelo cover)

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pattern is movement

Philadelphia's Pattern Is Movement recently pulled themselves out of hiatus to do the unimaginable: to release a cover of a practically uncoverable song. Though the recent slew of bands who've been taking on Whitney Houston, Rage Against the Machine, and worst of all, Miley Cyrus, continues to pummel itself through our inboxes, the only cover we've taken to (like a moth to a flame, to be honest) is PIM's rendition of D'Angelo's “Untitled (How Does It Feel?)”. Whether that's due in part to our excitement over their return or if they nail it so wonderfully, it's hard to say. Not bridging too much into weird territory, the cover feels remarkably true to the original, with the occasional lush horns and strings, and those high notes definitely get hit. The duo is back and making us want it all over again.

This track, as well as a companion A-side, “Suckling”, will be released through Hometapes on October 24. New Pattern Is Movement tour dates can be found below.

16 Brooklyn, NY – Union Pool *
17 New York – Webster Hall #
19 Brooklyn, NY – Glasslands ^
24 Philadelphia, PA – Union Transfer +
07 Stony Brook, NY – Stony Brook University

* Hometapes/Team Clermont CMJ Showcase w/ Celestial Shore, Leverage Models
# w/ Menomena and Helio Sequence
^ w/ Hospitality, The Building
+ w/ The Spinto Band, Norwegian Arms, Worshyper, WYYLDSTYLE DJs