
PBDY, “Never Return Part II Mix”

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Post-tour syndrome was first documented in the Friday Night series by Los Angeles producer Kenny Segal after getting off the road with rappers milo and Busdriver. Not long after that mix, I heard Brainfeeder DJ/producer and TAR labelhead PBDY express a similar sentiment with his “Never Return Part I”.

For PBDY his syndrome was the result of being on the road with Los Angeles luminaries Flying Lotus and Thundercat. With the completion of Part II, the “Never Return” series clocks in at over two hours—an expansive meditation. The album artwork suggests a narrative to “Never Return”, from a desert decapitation to a macabre redemption, and PBDY’s journey through each part of the series is winding and labyrinthian. It explores the destruction and creation cycle, as a dozen rebirths lift the sonics out of the mire. Nico rises like the goddess of war, causing a noise scrum to ensue through the chaotic catalogs of Sonic Youth, Body/Head, DNA, and Pharmakon—destroyed and post-. It’s a bleak introduction with the only direction left to explore being ascension and PBDY spends the hour that follows clawing out of a shallow grave for daylight.

PBDY on Pt.II of his post-tour series:

“Never Return Pt.II” is the second half of the mix I began when I got back home from touring with Flying Lotus & Thundercat.

It’s a sort of journey mix. Sounds of all sorts, movie soundscape shit. Starting where I left off in Part 1, I’m just trying to tell a story and really emphasize how much that tour meant to me.

The beginning of this part is pretty noisy, sort of pushing you through to the future.
Just another chapter in the book…

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