
Peaking Lights' Freakout Friday Mix

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Aaron Coyes peaking lights dub reggae mix

Peaking Lights' Aaron Coyes has been infusing dub elements into the framework of the music he and wife Indra Dunis create together since the band's inception. Yet until Lucifer In Dub — the dub translation of their 2012 Mexican Summer release Lucifer — has he gone straight to the source. After a recent conversation, he informed Impose that he has more than his fair share of personal dub recordings at his dispoable.

This in turn inspired us to request an Aaron Coyes dub mix for our Friday Night series. He not only delivered, he took a photo of him in action so we knew it wasn't a rehash of some older work. Well done Aaron, well done. So light one up, take a seat, and enjoy this Freakout Friday Mix courtesy of Peaking Lights.

Peaking Lights, Freakout Friday Mix