
Polyester Raincoat

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It took me literally three months to sort through all the tracks Andrea Schiavelli sent me for his Polyester Raincoat project but boy am I glad to have this little bunch of total Hollywood pop drippage, kind of late night and wonky but otherwise nice and linear, lyrics behind less reverb than you’d come to expect and for once an actually heartfelt song that’s as much honest as it is full of after hours gunk.

“Parcel Games” has that smeared lipstick romanticism but elsewhere his ballads (definitely ballads, how weird is that?) tread a semi-awkward line between the ephemeral and Lynchian spooked out . And elsewhere again there are stilted dinner party tropics in the form of funny ploddy drum machines, taking the Vaseline-faced lounge singer to whole new levels.

It’s a wonderful split. These two songs are probably the most straight up; delve into his easily-downloaded records for more.

Polyester Raincoat, “Parcel Games”

Polyester Raincoat, “Mind My Room”