
Polygrains, “Slipping Spectre”

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London-based, Grecian-born artist Polygrains has just released “Slipping Spectre,” a genre-blending single bringing us a sound like none other. The highly digitized sound, inspired by influences from house, techno and electronica, is almost reminiscent of a video game — in the fun, uptempo, hypnotic musical way. Not to detract from its actual musical merits, but the single does bring back an array of old-timey, feel-good memories and associations from those childhood games that can only mean good things.

That being said, the actual single itself is, of course, much more. Beginning with a beat that hooks you, by the time his soothing voice and lyrics and surprisingly pleasing voice start up, you’re far past the memories of video games. Rather, you’re involved in the song because its interesting and unique medley of sounds is different from what you’ve typically considered music. In a way, it’s richer, containing a much broader and more eclectic range of sounds that provide you with ample auditory stimulation.

Something to note is the way his vocals complement the music. Contrasted with the electro-infused digital-sounding music, his voice sounds organic and almost comforting — something that make sense and that’s easy to process. It honestly makes you wonder if his voice would have the same effect against a different musical backdrop, one that wasn’t as complex and difficult to digest.

“Slipping Spectre‘s concept resides in a frivolous idea about a world where people sometimes/never/always become aware of being part of others’ dreams,” expands Polygrains. “For example, if I saw you drinking lemonade in my dream, the next day you would go to me and say ‘hey, why did you make me drink lemonade last night???? I fucking HATE lemonade!! ‘ and so on…”

All in all, the unique product of the artist — whose actual name is Vasilis Moschas, by the way — is impossibly cool. This could very well be an innovation for the music industry. Stay tuned to find out where Polygrains goes from here on out; we’ll be interested to see, as well.

Pleasure Coma is available now.