
Baked, “Wet Blanket”

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When you allow yourself to never underestimate the power of garage-pop, it can do wonders for your emotional spirit and at times it will really surprise you. In the case of Brooklyn's Baked, a band I was sure were going to be lo-fi and scuzzy, there are heavy elements of rejuvenating, direct indiepop that lie beneath the uncrunched guitars, and a bass line that is as skilled and accomplished as the best of McCartney. The song moves in a way that you'd imagine no wet blanket knew how—fluid, effervescent, direct, and giving. It's a great track, and we look forward to seeing what this Brooklyn group has to offer in the future. Listen to “Wet Blanket” here and then check Baked out at shows in the city below the embed.

03 – Big Snow Buffalo Lodge w/ Spook Houses and Slow Warm Death
09 – Glasslands w/ Bass Drum of Death and The So So Glos
28 – Shea Stadium (Limited Edition Cassette Release) w/ Hippy