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Glitchy and expansive, REIGHNBEAU look to be settling into their electronica skin for the upcoming full length. Producer Bryce Hample has operated as REIGHNBEAU since 2010, the project ever evolving from acoustic and vocal vignettes to guitar songs until he gained the comfort to mold those fragments into an electronic tableau. With a forthcoming full length scheduled for early 2016, REIGHNBEAU debut the third single “EQUINOX”.

If there’s one defining element to the incarnations of REIGHNBEAU it is collaboration. Lately Hample has included Hannah Daney as a member and the two view the project as an opportunity to bring together voices that would have never met otherwise. Collaborators like Twig Palace and Sister Grotto appeared previous singles, and “EQUINOX” sustains that spirit with more vocal accompaniment from Twig Palace. Tracks like “Ghost” and “Highways” wander abandoned thoroughfares, but “EQUINOX” focuses on the glowing horizon ahead. With “EQUINOX” REIGHNBEAU remain elusive to genre specifics. Sound bytes of spectral vocals and glitchy blips rest atop trap drum rolls and sharp finger snaps, fluttering synths offer melodious rises in spirit, and despite the multitude of layers the pop-effect is never lost.