
Running, “Controversial PR”

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Chicago's Running is one of the more elusive bands to grace the 21st century. In the three or so years they've been a band, they've managed to keep off the internet almost entirely. Most known information about the band is mere speculation, and our quest to track down their story finally led us back to what seemed to be the only piece written about the band, a forgotten review tucked away in former contributor Jason Jackowiak's Singles Collection archives.

From what we can tell, Running has put out a few tapes and split, a self-titled LP with Permanent Records in 2010 and another LP with Captcha called Asshole Savant in 2012. Their sound is noisy and dirty, blown-out punk with disgusting feedback and lots of reverb. Castle Face Records recently uploaded a new track that claims to be the first off a forthcoming Running record called Vaguely Ethnic that will be out sometime this summer. “Controversial PR” is probably the brashest song yet. Vocals seem to have been replaced by a squealing fazer-ish effect on the guitar that cuts in and out over driving drum and bass tracks. The energy is raw and infectious, the kind of music made for concrete basements full of sweaty freaks and misfit kids.

Stay tuned for more info on Vaguely Ethnic and preview “Controversial PR” below.