
Sam Himself Debuts Single “Out Of Love”, Explains Why His Music Is A Coconut

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out of love

If you’re looking for a slow burner song to enjoy–between all the nutso uptempo, pop songs of summertime–we’ve got exactly what you need. Switzerland-born, NYC-based Sam Himself has dropped another incredible track in his signature dark, rich vocals, and it just keeps us wanting more.

“Out of Love” is a gorgeous tribute to true, honest love. While the chorus brags “There’s nothing I won’t do out of love,” Sam Himself speaks honestly in the verses about the very specific, very raw reality of a relationship. He addresses the beauty in the ups and the downs and the desperation that can be felt to keep things together. His simple approach is perhaps the most relatable single we have encountered in quite some time.

We caught up with Sam Himself in the thick of his busy schedule to find out more about what’s going on with him.

Tell us about yourself.

I’m originally from Switzerland. I moved to the US a few years ago. Back home, I played in a lot of bands, but soon after I came here I realized that I needed to do my own thing. Now I’m in a pretty irresistible situation: I record with a genius producer and a group of brilliant musicians, but I can perform the songs with or without them. 

What’s the story behind “Out of Love?”

The song is about that first serious fight when you realize that the love you share with a person might actually end, the surreal shock and hopelessness of that. In the chorus, “there’s nothing I won’t do out of love,” I’m pleading with someone I’m afraid to lose, promising them anything just to keep them from leaving. But as the song progresses, that pledge takes on a different, scarier meaning: if we run out of love, I can’t be accounted for anymore. If I lose you, I’ll fall off the wagon completely. 

The singer I got to work with on this song is Denitia Odigie. Her incredible voice makes the song what it is. 

Do you think your roots in Switzerland have shaped your music? Do you get homesick?

Yes, in more ways than I can describe here. Growing up in Switzerland, playing music had a lot to do with rebellion. The rules are tight, the tolerance for individual expression is a lot lower than in, say, New York. I can’t count how many times some angry neighbor called the cops because my band was practicing in someone’s basement. This old lady who lived next door used to call me “the Great Artist.” She hated my guts. 

I do get homesick, there are a lot of people and places I miss. But every time I go back, I feel less and less like I belong there anymore. Switzerland is very lovely and very strange. 

What do you want people to get out of your music?

I’d love for my upcoming album, Songs In D, to give people hope and solace in certain situations. I’m describing my own experience and maybe that will help someone else assign meaning to theirs. It’s also a great record to make out to. 

Who or what was your greatest musical influence?

I had very strong synesthesia as kid, I think that had a big impact on me.  

If your music was a fruit, what fruit would it be and why?

A coconut. Crack the rough exterior and discover a world of wholesome enjoyment. 

What’s coming up next for you?

I’m playing Newport Folk Festival on 7/24, which I’m really excited about. Then I’m playing my first full band show at Mercury Lounge on 7/26 and my first show in LA, at The Mint, on 8/4. I have a lot going on!