
School Dance, “Never Is A Long Time and So Is Forever”

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There have been a lot of guitars coming out of Philly in the past month, all deservedly getting recognition. So it’s nice, every now and again, to not have to type the word “distortion” within a few sentences of the word “Philadephia”, and School Dance gives us (me) the reprieve so desperately needed. “Never Is A Long Time and So Is Forever” simmers in a darkwave space that is both haunting and alluring. Allison Lorenzen’s airy tone primarily floats above synthesizers, a vibraphone, and most distinctively, a perfectly loose snare drum/hi-hat rhythm. Eschewing the all-too-common electro-pop drum clicks, Sam Tremble’s snare rattles and shakes, setting the flowing tone of the track. School Dance does dream pop the right way—never forcing the dreaminess, instead letting the instrumentation and lyrics play their part in constructing the vibe.

“Never Is A Long Time and So Is Forver” is available to stream below. You can check out more of the duo’s songs on their bandcamp.