
Shopping Spree, “Here Comes Your Boy”

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Shopping Spree is the experimental musical project of Portland’s Stephen Peters. Peters has released several EPs under the moniker, including a split with Celestial Shore. On his latest album, Workout Clothes, Peters loops sickly sweet and melancholic pop clichés to explore the relationship between repetition and lyrical understanding. The first track, “Here Comes Your Boy”, is a synthy song about longing and waiting and being blue. A majority of the song is a round-robin of the lyrics “Sure could use a girl like you to hold / sure could use a girl just like you.” After two minutes of this, it becomes evident that allowing anyone so much control over your feelings is probably a negative, obsessive thing. That being said, Shopping Spree can have complete control over my earbuds any day.

Stream Workout Clothes on bandcamp

Stream “Here Comes Your Boy” below: