
Single Lash, “No Reaction”

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single lash

Austin-based Single Lash began as a trio, releasing several home-recorded CD-Rs and gaining notoriety for their dynamic live-show sound made up of heavily reverbed guitar, intricate rhythm on bass and drums, and frontman Nicolas Nadeau's New Wave croon. The next release from the Single Lash camp is an album called Soft as Glass, on which Nadeau works alone but uses the original band moniker.

Without his bandmates, he explores some of rock and roll's dancey and electronic shades, keeping the trio's moody atmosphere intact while defining its mechanized edges. On the album's lead single, “No Reaction,” a howling guitar blares through thick, distored atmosphere, as Nadeau's windy vocals meet the pulse of a faint dance beat. Whatever shape the band takes next, Single Lash will have, in a relatively short time, made a hanfdul of distinct impressions.

Soft as Glass comes out May 6 on Pour le Corps Records. Stream the single here.