
Slutever is Almost Famous

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Slutever, Almost Famous

Slutever is almost famous. Though the Philly-bred two-piece has hovered at mid-level recognition for a few years now with a string of white-hot singles like “White Flag” and “1994”, their recent move to Los Angeles and this month’s release of Almost Famous are sure to launch them to a well-deserved spot in the big leagues. Nicole Snyder and Rachel Gagliardi had this to say about the making of their first official EP:

Almost Famous is an important release for us—recording it was our farewell to Philadelphia, and for an unknown amount of time, our farewell to each other. It’s the outcome of feeling trapped and ambivalent. The songs deal with our anxiety in a very specific period of our lives, and our struggles with growing up.”

The six-track EP is no doubt reactive. While the refrains on “I Miss America” and “You Asked For It” churn just long enough to be spit back out in hair-trigger punk-rock fits, tracks like “Teen Mom” and “Maggot” make such sharp turns in tempo and structure that genre categories are a moot point; a flush of 90s bands are hybridized beyond recognition. With revitalized grunge hooks that could boil cough syrup, Slutever’s songs about “teen moms with broken hearts” and “pouring bleach on your head” don’t care to peel off the proverbial band-aid. They rip it from the root.

The record is streaming below and is available for purchase from Slutever’s Bandcamp as a cassette or digital album.