
So Many Wizards, “Daydream” (Keith Sweaty's Nightmare remix)

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So Many Wizards

Tucson by LA's Nima Kazerouni, and So Many Wizards brought us celestial views of their dusty travel visions of “Daydream” back in September, and today we received the first listen to the “Nightmare remix” from Keith Sweaty (aka Keith Milgaten, Jamuel Saxon, etc). When the original first arrived on the scene, we were greeted by SMW's return with those hazy waking sounds that have become the hallmark and trademark sounds of Kazerouni and company. On the “Daydream” (Keith Sweaty Nightmare remix), the chivalry and gentle touches of guitar get swapped for undulating and over-driving synths that battle against a melange of digital beats for attention against Nima's vocals.

In sections where the electronic drum sequences reach maximum overhall, all elements from the vocal samples to the keys get caught within the eye of the vortex. Milgaten brings that big beat drum and bass sensibility he has honed between residencies in Brooklyn, LA, San Diego, and Vegas, to trip up the Southwest desert by coast crafts from So Many Wizards. The cleverness in Keith's ear for synth construction is his how he zeroes in on the spaces in between Nima's initial authorial intent that finds new notes from new created chord placements. As SMW intended for this “Daydream” to occur during the daylight hours, DJ Keith Sweaty messes up the circadian rhythms of the original's internal clock to flash '12:00am” like a digital alarm clock does after being hit by a massive power blackout in the afterhours. Because after all, this is what a proper modern dance remix is supposed to do.

Frontman Nima Kazerouni joins us to discuss the Keith Sweaty remix, shows in the works, holiday happenings, new digs, and hints of the second album from So Many Wizards.

First, how did you meet up with Keith Milgaten, aka Keith Sweaty, aka Jamuel Saxon?

Keith has been a buddy of ours ever since we've been playing Sezio curated shows down in San Diego. He would often DJ the same shows since he's the man down there. He's a super talented guy. He lives in Brooklyn now so we don't get to see him anymore. He's collaborated on some yet to be released Crown Plaza tracks though which i am way stoked on.

Your music has always been so personally attached to you, how do you feel about letting the “Daydream” get the full, alt-EDM treatment?

It's always a gamble when someone takes your song and creates something else with it. For Daydream, It's definitely a trip to hear this stony/hazy track in such a different way but Keith did it justice. It's pretty fantastic.

As an eclectic appreciator of so many sounds and styles, what is it about the electronic leaning varieties that appeal to you?

There's no limit where you can take a track and endless possibilities on how to build it up. You could get as weird and crazy as you want and that's pretty cool. I like weird.

What are you and So Many Wizards up to this holiday, New Years season?

I'm headed back to Tucson for the holidays. I recently moved to Long Beach and haven't seen the desert in over 3 months. I'm itching to go there and get inspired by the open space.

What's in the works for So Many Wizards in 2014?

January is shaping to look pretty rad with two great shows with Terry Malts on January 10 at The Satellite and another on January 24 with Lovely Bad Things at The Glass House. Aside from shows, we're diving in the studio early next year to record our sophomore release. I couldn't be more excited about the tracks that have made the cut!

So Many Wizards' Night Chills 7″ is available now from Lolipop Records.