
Steve Adamyk Band, “Waiting For The Top”

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Steve Adamyk Band

Following up 2013's album Third, Ottawa's Steve Adamyk Band will release Dial Tone July 1 from Dirtnap Records. Our premiere of, “Waiting For The Top”, proves they'll remain true to their ethos of energy, power, pop, and garage. With a mean rhythm section made up of drummer Dave Forcier and bassist Seb Godin, Steve and the gang's latest recordings are given the Oakland, California Fuzz City treatment compliments of the talented Matthew Melton (Bare Wires, Warm Soda). As a result, every aspect of the recording is given full-effect era emulation when slippery 70s production values break the bubble gum banks for turned-up, amplified analog rock. Lampooning the over-inflated importance and egos of bands who stand back waiting for their own entitlement to give them their break, Steve, Dave, Seb and Matthew zap the patience of the laissez-faire poseurs who provide minimal contributions as they sit around “Waiting For The Top”.

Speeding at just a little over two minutes, Steve takes the energy to the hilt while Dave and Seb keep the motor turning and running in the red. The band busts out the hits with everything they have in them as Mr. Melton oversees the crispness and character of every audio nuance added and included to the electric power puzzle. Ottawa and Adamyk's understanding of rock and roll links up with the Oakland indie institution to make a sharp-and-snarky jab at the wannabes that consume themselves by being busy doing nothing. This is illustrated as a comedic point on the quick snapping verse that throws the indolent artists a towel and a tissue with, “need a break right now, need a break right now, waiting for the top, waiting for the top, whoa-whoa.”

Stream the premeire of “Waiting For The Top” below and read on as Steve Adamyk talks with us to share some further Northern exposures.

First up, what is the state of the Ottawa DIY scenes? Top of the world right now, literally and figuratively?

Ottawa exploded within the last six to seven years due to the right amount of committed, creative people being in the same place at the right time. People are bored with traditional trends and boring clubs. The result is a network of artists in Ottawa and beyond that are willing to scratch each other's backs and push forward at any cost. Regardless of whether an act “'breaks out,' we continue to bang away without hesitation.

How do you feel the Steve Adamyk Band has benefited from the rapid firing rhythm sections of Pregnancy Scares' Dave Forcier on drums and Sonic Avenues' Seb Godin handling the bass?

Immensely. A lot of people who come see us play expect to see a shrill power-pop band at times, which isn't the case at all. We're still a power-pop/garage band through and through but we hit hard with energy where some bands of the genre sit back and don't break a sweat. Our rhythm section is largely responsible for this influence.

And then studio wise, how was it working with good ol' Dave Williams and Warm Soda / Bare Wires man, Matthew Melton?

Dave is one of our best friends, along with being a founding member of the band, so we could say anything to each other. It flowed well. With Matthew, we were looking to do something different for a record, and thankfully, we ended up really hitting it off. I think the end result is a direct merge of his ability as an engineer/artist, coinciding with the band we've always been.

Big fans of what he does with that Fuzz City studio sound too, talk about an ability to make analog aural time machines. One of my faves from there is Big Tits, not just a clever name, but early 70s sleaze refashioned right.

We couldn't agree more, which is precisely the reason we decided to fly thousands of miles to record with him. There's no shortage of bands recording with a raw sound but something about Fuzz City stuck out to us. They really seemed to stand above while keeping an original tone to it. It was a blast and we'd feel comfortable doing another record with him for sure.

“Waiting For the Top” is a great grinder that is meant for aggressive, assertive, patient, but top-shelf minded behaviors. What echelons of grandeur did you all have in mind when churning out this puppy?

I'm a huge promoter of short, catchy, hard-hitting songs. Tracks that are over by the time they're stuck in your head. That's what we were trying to achieve. “Waiting For The Top” is a reaction to self-entitled musicians who expect the most while giving little.

Can you share any previews of what to prepare for with Dial Tone?

It's a raw, tuneful album that's unique in sound, without being far removed from what we've done from the beginning.

Other Ottawa acts that we have totally been missing out on?

New Swears, Voicemail, Big Dick, Crusades & Tropical Dripps are some of the best up and coming acts for sure. Old favorites, Mother's Children can really never get enough hype. The band is just that great.

Dial Tone will be available July 1 from Dirtnap Records.