
Strange Relations, Ghost World EP

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strange relations

When you really love something, finding the words to describe it and do it true justice can be exceptionally difficult. There are just only so many ways you can tell someone “This is my favorite thing I heard today” or “You're making a mistake if you sleep on this.” In the case of Minneapolis's gorgeously effective dreampop duo Strange Relations, words have eluded me as how to best negotiate their phenomenal six-song EP, Ghost World. Whether you're part of the Rookie Magazine demographic or you're a grandfather in a patterned recliner in a Midwestern living room, you're going to like this EP—not because I'm going to do an impeccable job of telling you what's great about it, but because it's got very little on it that is unlikable. In the six tracks, there is a pillowy warmth that emanates generously among it's wide, masterfully leveled tracks. It has this rare shine that makes every song feel both dreamy and beautiful. This EP would fit well on your playlist for a teenage boyfriend or for driving your car around a deserted parking lot. It's just one of those EPs that give me, as a friend uses often to describe any heightened aesthetic, “the feeling.”

You can hear for yourself, though, by streaming Ghost World below and getting the download for your mixtapes. Minneapolis dreamwave at its most enigmatic.