
Stream Dumb Numbers’ Sophomore Album & Collaborative Experience, Dumb Numbers II

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Australian musician and filmmaker Adam Harding is the core of Dumb Numbers, and talented musicians and friends that reach out from around the globe have been known to collaborate with him on his musical endeavors. Today, we have the exclusive stream of Dumb Numbers’ sophomore album set to release August 19th, aptly titled Dumb Numbers II.

The music on this album has a warped, hard rock feel to it. Although each song is unique in its sound – the first track has more of an edge to it, while “Girl On The Screen” feels more genre diverse with its ethereal vocals – the album somehow holds its integrity, and your attention, from start to finish. Captivating and intense, we expect to play this several times to adequately sponge up every guitar riff.

Adam Harding himself has a note to share: “Hello and thanks for listening! This is a weird record, for sure. If you liked the first album you’ll probably like this one. I’d like it if I wasn’t me. But what do I know? I don’t know much of anything.”

The album’s cover art is by Malcolm Bucknall, who has only allowed his artwork to be used on 3 records previously (two Jesus Lizard LPs and the band’s 1993 split with Nirvana). Thanks to David Yow’s involvement, Malcolm graciously allowed Dumb Numbers to use his piece “My Bohemian Rhapsody” for the cover. 

What each guest performer contributes to the album:
Lou Barlow (Sebadoh/Dinosaur Jr) – bass
Dale Crover (Melvins/Nirvana) – drums and vocals
David Yow (The Jesus Lizard/Scratch Acid) – vocals
Murph (Dinosaur Jr) – drums
Bobb Bruno (Best Coast) – bass, mellotron, synths and vibraphone
Alexander Hacke (Einstürzende Neubauten) – electronic soundscapes and Tuvan throat singing
Kevin Rutmanis (Cows/Melvins) – slide bass and vocals
Bonnie Mercer (Grey Daturas/Breathing Shrine) – guitar
Steve Patrick (Useless Children) – bass
Aniela Perry (Cursive) – cello
Mario “Boomer” Lalli (Fatso Jetson/Desert Sessions) – bass and guitar
Geordie Stafford (Golden Bats) – guitar

Dumb Numbers II is due out August 19th via Joyful Noise Recordings.