
Stream: Papertwin, Peru EP

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Papertwin new EP "Peru" cover

Real dream pop should give you all of the following things: A shoegaze so hard you know how many strands of thread are in your laces, so many layers you could sleep in Central Park in December under them and not be cold (or dead), and a perfect mixture of airy and powerful (like Otto Mann with an air rifle) and if this were the official 2013 checklist, Brooklyn quartet, Papertwin, have all of the boxes firmly ticked.

Along with the recent dream-pop/new wave revival comes the ability for cheap imitations, with over the top ambience that loses you after the first undistinguishable vocal and intergalactic sound effects, but the same definitely can’t be said for this EP. Each track is individually captivating, and just when you’ve found that old friend Zen that you haven’t seen since that weird month in university when you thought you were a direct descendent of Che Guevara, in come the drums to bring you crashing back down to reality, but thank god, searching for “Spoken Word Poetry coffee” mornings on Craigslist can only end badly.

A little while back, the first track from this futuristic EP, “Diving”, was accompanied by a perfectly fitting video that features old footage from space and gave everyone a taster of what was to come from this futuristic, sci-fi-esque EP, and it’s safe to say it was everything you could have expected. If you thought their first EP was enough to make you want to douse yourself in LSD and UV paint, you haven’t heard anything yet. With everything from dreamy lush synth to heavy drumbeats, Peru EP is befittingly 80’s from beginning to end and has all the perfect components of modern new wave.

Peru EP will be released on April 16, and you can stream the whole EP here: