
Stream: Weekend Money, Freddie Merkury

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Weekend Money

Weekend Money has been periodically dropping singles since the spring of 2013 to build anticipation for their full length debut and follow up to the Naked City EP. The debut, Freddie Merkury, is built entirely from scratch, a product of the resources within arms length of Baghdaddy, who produces in an associative style similar to Hot Sugar, and the true-to-life experiences of Ne$$.

The title stems from one of the group's biggest inspirations and a clever pun on Freddie Mercury's stage name. Before every live set the group gathers in a quiet corner to get focused, “let's Freddie Merk this shit…” In order to do so, the set needs bangers, which Weekend Money bring to the table on Freddie Merkury. Tracks like “Money Machine”, “Bat Phone”, and previously released “Nostrand” (feat. additional production by Hot Sugar), burrow into the ear canals with subwoofer vibrations, while Ne$$ counts stacks, sets up undercover phone lines, and pushes weight on his designated territory. For all the trap rap that dominates the record though, Ne$$ proves he's not out to strictly push one dimensional street themes. He ruminates on the laws of love on “Maliah” and waxes philosophical with Fat Tony on “Trapper Keeper”, stating, “I think it was Shakespeare / to be or not to be / Pac posed a better question / Is there a heaven for a G?”

Download Weekend Money's Freddie Merkury here.

Weekend Money will perform with February 15 at RawPony Presents: Raw Valentine at a private venue on 353 Broadway, Manhattan w/ Nina Sky and Fight Clvb.