
Street Sects, “Our Lesions”

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Street Sects vocalist Leo Ashline had a lot to come to terms with when he started making music with fellow Austin, Texan Shaun Ringsmuth after a thirteen year struggle with addiction. What bred from that was an experimental electronic-led force of sound that cannot quite be described. Their upcoming album End Position might not be available until September 16th, but we’ve got the track premiere of their insane single “Our Lesions” right here.

“Our Lesions” begins in a subdued but creepy way. Low rumblings with an overdub of what sounds like television commentary, and then a beat so insane that it takes you a second to adjust. It’s a song right out of your nightmares, but also intricately woven enough that you feel like you’re a part of something. And then you feel like you’re absolutely alone. Violent, yet beautiful, we must admit that for a track to make you feel this much, the artist must know what they’re doing.

Street Sects has a little bit to say about the track:
“Have you ever loved someone who didn’t love themselves? Have you ever loved someone because they didn’t love themselves? Have you ever fantasized about killing someone you loved? Have you ever fantasized about killing yourself? Have you ever walked alone down a crowded street and felt the camera of your mind pull back away from yourself, into the sky, so that you could see yourself crawling among the other rats, just as ugly but somehow different, somehow better? Have you ever wanted to wave your hand through the air and feel the people around you break and shatter like glass, splintering into silence, leaving you standing there alone, the master of your own private reality?  Have you ever wished with all of your heart that you had the power to just fucking end everything?

‘Our Lesions’ is perhaps the song we are most proud of on End Position, in part because I think it manages to combine most of the feelings we wanted to convey on this record into one song.” 

End Position is out September 16th via The Flenser. It is available for preorder now.