
Suicide Squeeze unleashes Destruction Unit for Single Series

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Destruction Unit

Suicide Squeeze boasts one of the sexiest single series announced for the summer with planned releases by Antwon, Cloud Nothings, Roomrunner, Julianna Barwick, and Destruction Unit.

The D-Unit's contribution is no nonsense in presentation. With “Sonic Pearl” debuting today, we know for certain the 7″ titled Two Strong Hits contains one. The desert dwellers of D-Unit rip through waves of wailing rock, conjuring images of fire and sand storms errupting from the 7″ when spun in home systems. “Sonic Pearl” enters your personal space in a static state of everything in the red, but with the closing minute approaching Destruction Unit manage to go beyond the meters to a louder, more confrontational closing that rattle mom's fine china off the walls.

Destruction Unit's Two Strong Hits is out July 16 on Suicide Squeeze.

Destruction is touring with Milk Music and Roomrunner:
18 Tempe, AZ – Yucca Tap Room
30 Austin, TX – Chaos in Tejas *
31 Austin,TX – Chaos in Tejas *
01 Austin, TX – Chaos in Tejas *
02 Austin, TX – Chaos in Tejas *
04 Dallas, TX – Club Dada *
05 Nashville, TN @ Stone Fox *
06 Louisville, KY – The Workhouse Ballroom *
07 Columbus, OH – Ace of Cups *
08 Pittsburgh, PA – The 6119 *
09 Cambridge, MA – TT the Bears *
10 Winooski, VT – The Monkey House *
11 Montreal, Quebec – Il Motore *
12 Toronto, ON – Izakaya Sushi House &
13 Toronto, ON – The Garrison #
14 Taylor, PA – Underwood Skatepark $
15 Brooklyn, NY – 285 Kent *
16 Brooklyn, NY – Shea Stadium ^
17 Philadelphia, PA – Johnny Brenda's *
18 Washington, DC – DC9 *
19 Richmond, VA – Strange Matter *
20 Charlotte, NC – The Milestone *
21 Atlanta, GA – 529 Club *
22 Gainesville, FL – The Atlantic *
23 Miami, FL – Churchill's *
24 Tallahassee, FL – Office Lounge Gallery %
25 Memphis, TN – Hi Tone %
26 New Orleans, LA – Siberia %
27 Houston, TX – Mangos %
28 Mcallen, TX – Thirsty Monkey %
29 Austin, TX – Beerland %
01 El Paso, TX – Lowbrow Palace %
05 Los Angeles, CA – The Echo @

# with Milk Music, Roomrunner
& with Vaginors (Aus)
$ with Title Fight
^ with Nu Sensae
* with Merchandise, Milk Music
% with Milk Music
@ with the Oblivians, Milk Music