
Tacocat, “I Hate The Weekend”

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Summoning the delightfully snotty, terribly catchy spirit of Holly Beth Vincent, Seattle’s Tacocat offer (as the first single from their upcoming album Lost Time) a handclap-infused bubblegum condemnation of the weekend warriors who clot restaurants and bars with their entitlement to space and lack of regard for the service industry workers who keep their favorite businesses running. If you’ve ever spent a ten-hour day on your feet patiently fielding the woes of bros who claim they’ll get you fired if you don’t let them skip the line outside a popular bar, trying to kick out a drunk couple making out against your record store counter while you’re trying to close up for the night and count the till, or being screamed at over the phone by someone who doesn’t understand why your handmade pizza restaurant can’t deliver a pizza within 20 minutes on a busy Friday night during a blizzard, you’ll find a welcome sigh of relief and understanding in “I Hate The Weekend.” There’s no camaraderie like service industry camaraderie.

Lost Time is Tacocat’s third record, and first working with Shabazz Palaces producer Erik Blood; it’s available for preorder via Hardly Art.