
Tallesen, “Motion Past Shine”

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Cayman Johnson’s Tallesen project cannot be pinned to a singular inspirational plane. Tallesen is not indebted to the Hudson Valley, where Johnson lives, as an environmentalist producer nor restricted to futurist perspectives like an IDM visionary who’s out to coin Music For Space Stations. On his debut Stills Lit Through, Johnson strikes a balance between the natural synthesis and the informational coding of electronic music, it is both calibrated to precision and sensitive to the divine illumination.

Tallesen’s “Motion Past Shine” covets the ambient intro with a flexibility that prevents the interpretation as synthesized exclusively. There exists a possibility that Tallesen could have witnessed the ambient phenomena or translated the nodes like an attempt at writing the Aurora Borealis as sheet music. “Motion Past Shine” beckons the dismissal of interlude within the greater vision of Stills Lit Through, and that’s when Tallesen strikes with a breakbeat to offset the preconception. It began as a still moment, but as the title suggests there is illumination on the opposite end of every presented portal.

Tallesen’s Stills Lit Through is out November 10 on Software.