
Terrors, “Two Words”

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Terrors is anything but frightening. Rather, the ambient folk project of Elijah Forrest comes bundled in a wool sweater that has outworn its itchiness and rests at the end of a bed while a mother gently lullabies her restless child to sleep. Like any artist working in the confines of atmospheric music, “Two Words” sounds like it was made underwater, but there is (and excuse the pun) more depth here than all of the reverb might suggest.

The first cut from Terror’s Ensorcell Qori begins with vast guitar chords, building a harmony that gently billows up to the outer reaches of the atmosphere and descends back down to the cloud line with the deliberate speed of an hourglass, never fully landing back on the ground. The space Elijah creates attempts the grandeur of the cosmos but does not expand much past the walls of Forrest’s bedroom, playing out much like a rough sketch of a song that would not sound out of place on Majical Cloudz’ Impersonator. This is not to say that all the repetition detracts from its beauty, for nothing can nor will ever compare to the comfort of one’s own room.

Purchase Terror’s Ensorcell Qori LP on Bathetic.