
The B‚Äã.‚ÄãYoung‚Äã/‚ÄãEMP Split

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Listening on:

A Pyle PL5CSUB Cassette Tape Archiver and Digital Media Converter, which you may recall from the write up of Sky Stadium’s Freely Without. Calm down, a repeat was bound to happen eventually. I selected this player for the clarity of its playback and because its lack of fast forward, rewind, and stop buttons make it well suited to 20 plus minute long seamless tracks. More on that later.

The artists:

Apart from his musical endeavors, which span from bedroom indie to tape-based experimentalism, Broderick Young is one of the strapping young brains behind Polydactyl Records. He’s currently based out of the Dallas-Fort Worth area of Texas. Electronic Meditation Program