
The Best Free Music of 2013

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free music

We were all particularly cash-strapped this year, what with Brobama refusing to give us all the free money he promised. Can a millenial live? In 2013, we let our bank accounts hover dangerously close to the red, and bought forties with pennies (as far as we know, that is still considered legal tender) and any dollar we had, we threw at these guys. For the empty-wallet crew, we've got something you might consider an early Christmas present from us, your friends (and cultural beneficiaries) at Impose. We've collected a list of the greatest, freest music that was released on the 'net, and though it'd be a shitty gift, I'm sure your Dad would prefer a Lee Bannon mixtape to an ugly pair of toe-blankets*. The list leans heavily on our hip-hop side, so don't be alarmed—but bands, take note. We love free shit.
