
The Market Hotel revamp project needs interns

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market hotel

As we reported a few weeks ago, previously closed-down DIY venue Market Hotel was approved for renovations and is revamping itself as a sustainable project for all-ages shows in the Brooklyn community. Now that the ball has started rolling, Market Hotel is going to need some help in the coming months to get everything together for the future renewal of the project. Here is the call for interns from Todd P. Shoot them an email if you have the time this summer.

“The Market Hotel project is happening for real this summer—the roommies are moving out, the construction plan is breaking ground, we’re getting permits and licenses etc—there’s lots to do, and we could use help. Looking for students who are living in New York City and are off for the summer, who can commit to a set schedule of at least 3 days per week, and own a laptop. No experience required and folks who can receive course credit are preferred. You will be working in (and out) of the office that also manages 285 KENT AVE, Stanhope Cellar Studios, SHOWPAPER, Otras Obras, Festival Nrmal, etc. Opportunities to learn about show booking, construction project management, gallery management, how licenses and permits work, bookkeeping, banking, and a lot more. email an informal resume to THEMARKETHOTEL@GMAIL.COM.”