
The Phantom Family Halo, “Down On The Streets”

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raven town witch

Recording your record in a funeral home in Louisville might be an austere way to begin the definitive fifth-album years, but The Phantom Family Halo know exactly what they're doing. On an exclusive premiere for “Down On The Streets”, you'll see exactly why this method works here: the eerie tones that the band swims in are over-the-top and laced with dark slime. The track's squeals and tribal drumming are nothing for the sliced guitar and thumping bass that give everything an air of the truly spooky. But not to put all their eggs in one basket, The Phantom Family Halo are eager to build the fright through even denser guitar knifing and gothic posturing. It's sure to throw any sunny day off balance.

This fifth Phantom Family Halo album, Raven Town Witch, will relase through Sophomore Lounge Records on March 4. Preorders are available here.