
The Shackeltons, “Kindest Words”

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kindest words

Ernest Shackleton was a manly British explorer who died in a valiant quest for discovery of the South Pole. The Shackeltons, whose flip-flopped spelling might indicate a different kind of breed, express a similar thirst for thrills as they release the second single from their sophomore record. “Kindest Words” is the caterwauling, Pixies-esque result of a band who knows the power in allowing a track to breathe until it has reached its full potential. The edgy guitars build comfortably alongside lead vocalist Mark Redding's loose-lipped, maniacal wanderings, and the conclusion of the track brings the post-punk yet poppy sound to its full culmination.

Stream “Kindest Words” below, then head here for updates on 2014's release of Records.