
Titus Andronicus share “Dimed Out”, announce rock opera

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Titus Andronicus, The Most Lamentable Tragedy

New Jersey’s Titus Andronicus have announced a new, sprawling album that presents itself in the form of a 93 minute, 28-track (29 including an intermission) rock opera. The first single from The Most Lamentable Tragedy, “Dimed Out”, counts for a mere three of those 93 minutes, but serves as an excellent introduction to the touchstone themes of the album. In speaking with Grantland, frontman Patrick Stickles says the album considers (semi-autobiographically) dealing with manic depression on a daily basis, and how that impacts interactions, creativity, and decision making. “Dimed Out” takes this head on, Andronicus’ recognizable slurry-pop punk firmly in place, with the protagonist(?) considering how he aviods succumbing to the ways in which the world attempts to force him into ‘the sysetem'(mannnnn). The track is punchy and catchy, even for TA standards, and seems likely to become a firm addition in the canon Andronicus has built over their past 10 years.

The Most Lamentable Tragedy is due out July 28 via Merge Records. You can hear and watch the lyrical video for “Dimed Out” below.