
Twin Cabins, “Ashes”

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Nacho Cano, a.k.a. Twin Cabins, has been recording by himself since he was a little kid, and continues to make music in his bedroom to this day. “Ashes” is one of those swaying pop songs that are deceptively simple. Sure, that's a catchy guitar line, and his reverbed vocals are high and charming, but, as with all the greatest pop, it's the odd touches that make it shine. For instance, the off-kilter way Nacho ends a few of the lyrics, going up a half-step or so to set the song up for a charming adolescent awkwardness. Or at the end, when we have about a minute of the song crashing up against the shore of the Californian coast, echoing into itself for a time. “Ashes” is being released as a bonus track at the end of his new record, I'm Sure, and you can listen to the rest of his chilled-out debut here.

Twin Cabins, “Ashes”