
Upset, “She's Gone”

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A SoundCloud tag can tell you a lot about a band. Sometimes the space below the embed is completely blank save for the band's name or label, begging the listener to pass judgment themselves without the help of genre or clarification. Occasionally, the tag spot is so jampacked with qualifiers, adjectives, and descriptors that it can distract from the real substance of the song. Luckily for Upset, their tags are exactly right. As if oscillating between the genres in their heads, Upset's “She's Gone” begins as a punk tag, is followed by a pop punk tag, then finally settles in at a hybrid of the two, meeting at the all-important hyphenated, married couple of pop-punk. The track itself, which doesn't shy away from brilliant powerchords or ticky-tappy drums also has a bassline so thoroughly plucky that it feels like it might jump out of the airwaves. The vocal melodies, as shiny as ever, are full of sugar (especially when they hit those perfect woos), but they only balance out the crunch. Like a bowl of your favorite cereal, at the peak time before sogginess.

This is the second single from Upset's She's Gone, which is available for preorder at Don Giovanni Records. The first, “Oxfords and Wingtips”, can be found here. The trio will be out on the road with Screaming Females starting mid-November.

15 Black Lodge—Seattle, Washington *
16 The Know Bar—Portland, Oregon *
18 The Blank Club—San Jose, California *
29 1-2-3-4 Go! Records—Oakland, California *
20 Bottom Of The Hill—San Francisco, California *
21 Echoplex—Los Angeles, California *
22 Harold’s Place—San Pedro, California *
23 Soda Bar—San Diego, California *

* with Screaming Females