
Walkingshoe, “All the Wrong Places”

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Chicago-based indie musician Walkingshoe – known in his every day life as renowned producer Joseph Sepka – is gaining a lot of hype with his new project, especially due to his recent single “Can’t Sleep“. A departure from the hip hop sound we have come to expect from his other collaborations and projects, his solo music edges on the folk side of the genre realm. We have the exclusive premiere of his song “All the Wrong Places” right here.

The tapping of drum sticks, a slow rhythm and beautiful blending of instrumentals. Vocals set in after the track sets itself up, the first lyrics “I see you leaking out of the faucet / Just like a scratch on the back of my hand” confusing the listener a bit, really turning the attention from the gorgeous strumming of the guitar to the words. Lyrics like “I sweat the small things / take out my six string / fall asleep in the back of my van… Baby look at me, I’m a renaissance man” tend to make more sense than some of the other stanzas, but the intricate narrative finds itself widely both notable and relatable.

“All the Wrong Places” will be featured on Walkingshoe’s upcoming EP Hennie & Me. Stay up to date on release information here.