
WALL, “Cuban Cigars”

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The cold, minimalistic—yet alluring—face of post-punk is alive and well with the Brooklyn quartet, WALL, who just announced their self-titled debut. The first single, “Cuban Cigars”, is a glimpse into the band’s gripping tension and inimitable force, evoked through jarring rhythms and incensed vocals. A commentary on the stuffy pretensions and dirty dealings of the male aristocracy, the lyrics nod towards similar characteristics of mafia practices, as singer Samantha York urgently bellows, “These guys, they think they’re the mob, and they smoke their Cuban cigars, yeah.” The entire thing plays like an electrified game of red-light-green-light, combining brutally driving throbs with a flowing balance of stop-and-go. The song’s pulse is not necessarily produced by a traditional rhythms section but rather, staccato guitar and forceful vocals act as their own heartbeat with which to guide the rest of the instruments. WALL has only been around for a handful of months, but they’re already a tremendous presence in the NY music scene, gaining momentum with every spirited, unnerving performance.

Wall’s self-titled album will be released on January 16 via Wharf Cat Records. You can stream “Cuban Cigars” below.