
Weaves, “Buttercup”

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As the Weaves note in the interview below, its debut EP is the result of influences brought to a bucket and promptly vomitted into said bucket. The Toronto band's latest single “Buttercup” has a dizzying effect to it, so this talk of nausea seems plausible. That said, Weaves don't make us sick, but rather buzzed up from the saccharine swirl of guitars and all those studio bells that rev and screech. Weaves infuse “Buttercup” with a lot of noise, not as a pop-deflector, but in controlled bursts that complicate the barriers between noise and pop. Leading lady Jasmyn Burke's vocals are feral cries of sweetness, disarming the object of her affection to consider her offers.

Stream “Buttercup” below and read on for a brief interview with the band.

Weaves' self-titled EP is out April 1 on Buzz Records.

Jasmyn, when Weaves formed was there any impulses you wanted to explore that you weren't able to bring to RatTail?

Weaves is a more impulsive band than Rattail. We follow our whims to see where they take us.

Buzz Records is currently on a tear with its roster lately, how did you link up with the label?

Mutual friends. Mutual whims.

Which song on the record would you want to dedicate to Mayor Rob Ford? Does the self-titled EP have something in his wheelhouse?

“Hulahoop” kind of sounds like a drunken BBQ, so that one I guess.

Tell us about coming together as Weaves and recording this self-titled EP coming out soon?

Jasmyn yells at Morgan to not overthink everything, Morgan yells at Jasmyn that she's not thinking enough. We make mistakes and exaggerate them.

This EP is a mix of tunes recorded in Morgan's bedroom in Garageband and Dave Newfeld's church studio. A collision of hi and lo-fi, pop and noise, bombast and confusion. We threw all the music we love into a bucket and puked on it.