
Weekend Money release video for “Trapper Keeper” (feat. Fat Tony)

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While the title “Trapper Keeper” will evoke nostalgia (still remember my Tiger destroying a basketball design), Weekend Money didn’t write a back to school jam for the fall. Ne$$’s intent was more along the lines of “keep trappin’,” a topic he’s been aficionado on since the group’s debut Naked City. The trap is a trap of cyclical destruction as Fat Tony raps “ain’t trying to sell a gram / and barely want a Grammy / but when I buy a gram I support my man’s family”, proving that even the biblical commandment of love thy neighbor no longer comes without consequence under the law. It’s the kind of logic that makes you want to see legalization, right? Free up the market and truly let the entrepreneurs live.

Taken from the group’s Freddie Merkury album from earlier this year, “Trapper Keeper” was co-produced by Hot Sugar and features a guest appearance by Fat Tony.

Weekend Money play The Flat (308 Hooper St, Brooklyn) on Saturday with Big Breakfast, Loyal Duce, INTL Scumbags, Skip Rage, and Fame School, among others.