
Willis Earl Beal, Live at the Hideout

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“Don't wait to for nobody to discover you….discover your goddamn self”. Willis Earl Beal is on everyone's watch list for good reason. The talent is there. Nabbed up by the XL imprint Hot Charity, he's seemingly still crafting a solo show that fits his liking. He described “Acousmatic Sorcery” as “some shit that I did when I didn't know what I was doing”, and that it's “not what you saw here”.

His live show was simple backing by tape that gave a little depth to the lines he was singing, not that it was needed, but It worked. He also jumped on the Hideout's piano for song he had recently written. All in all, for how early Willis is in the stages of crafting a live show, it's already pretty spectacular. Keep an eye out for him. Tour dates below.

23-Apr @ Rock N Roll Hotel – Washington, DC w/Wu Lyf
24-Apr @ Union Transfer – Philadelphia w/Wu Lyf
26-Apr @ Music Hall – Brooklyn w/Wu Lyf
27-Apr @ Bowery Ballroom – New York w/Wu Lyf
28-Apr @ Brighton Music Hall – Boston w/Wu Lyf
29-Apr @ Il Motore – Montreal
30-Apr @ The Drake – Toronto
02-May @ Heritage Court @ Gene Autry Museum – Los Angeles
03-May @ Cafe du Nord – San Francisco
04-May @ Barboza – Seattle
05-May @ Biltmore Caberet – Vancouver
06-May @ Holocene – Portland
13-May @ Hare & Hounds – Birmingham, UK
16-May @ Tabernacle – London, UK
17-May @ Liverpool Sound City – Liverpool
19-May @ Paradiso – Amsterdam (London Calling Festival)
20-May @ Nuits Botanique – Brussels
22-May @ Ideal Bar – Copenhagen
23-May @ Debaser (outdoor stage) – Malmo
25-May @ Monarch – Berlin
26-May @ Le Guess Who – Utrecht
29-May @ Dok Kantine – Ghent
30-May @ Boule Noire- Paris
01-June @ Captain Rest – Glasgow
02-June @ Dot 2 Dot- Bristol
03-June @ Dot 2 Dot- Nottinghan
04-June @ Dot 2 Dot- Manchester
13-15-July @ Union Park – Chicago (Pitchfork Music Festival)
19-August @ Funkirk Estate – Skipton, North Yorkshire (Beacons Festival)