
WORSE, Rubber Burner

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Impose Magazine has the exclusive premiere of Rubber Burner, the upcoming album from New York City’s WORSE that was recorded by Ben Greenberg and mastered by Will Killingsworth. While the collection of tracks defies any specific genre, it is undeniably and unapologetically rock and roll. With moments of both brutality and beauty, Rubber Burner is an eclectic take on noise rock that will appeal to fans of punk, pop, metal, and music in general.

The album opens with “Come Together” and out of the gate WORSE brings the aggression in the form of guitars and vocals that kick out the jams without losing themselves in dischord. “Slow Drip” follows and makes use of WORSE’s two singer set-up. As layered vocals and taut riffs build tension on the track, thunderous drums combine with the bass to create a cavernous, booming low end.

“Off” follows and it is an example of how skillfully composed the songs of WORSE truly are. As the tune gradually descends into sonic chaos, the listener can feel the world of the song slowly falling apart bit by bit before suddenly locking into a groove the song rides to its finish. The record’s last two tracks “Long Nod” and “Supper” also display the savvy skill with which the songs are composed as they rise and fall in almost cinematic fashion.

“Fun Size” is a blast of vintage punk with caterwauling guitars that bend and stretch over the verse before coalescing with the vocals, bass, and drum for moments of punishing perfection. On “Fallen Caryatid” a sultry riff saunters along under screaming vocals before the track lets loose a chorus mired in grunge and rife with hints of classic rock. “The Void Has Resistance” takes the punk and metal influences of the previous two tracks and creates a song as dense as a black hole and just as dark. And “A” features staccato lyrics doled out over a strutting riff that marches into a beautifully frenetic song that some may call metal, others punk, but all would agree it definitely rocks.

WORSE’s Rubber Burner is set for release on October 21, but you can pre-order the album now on Deranged Records. Until then, you can check out our exclusive stream right here and you can follow WORSE on Bandcamp.