
WyWy Brix, “Plea”

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The duration of WyWy Brix’s Clear Licorice cassette does not sustain nostalgia for the heyday of Brooklyn’s acidic noise weirdos, but there is no denying its presence in “Plea”.

The track dials back to early DJ Dog Dick, the bonkers musings of Eric Copeland and Black Dice, the lo-fi house of Pictureplane, and even the solo experiments of Dan Friel. Even the album title Clear Licorice feels like an homage, a love letter sent from a New Zealander who never got to visit before the scene dried up. WyWy Brix’s “Plea” revisits a DIY era of house, interpreted through the gutter squats of crusty kids who could never afford the posh dance nights, nor ever wanted anything to do with it. There was a time in which punks danced in warehouses with no dress code and not a single cocktail was ordered—strictly plastic cups of various brown swills.

WyWy Brix’s Clear Licorice is out May 19 on 1080p Collection.