
Xander Harris pours out Chrysalid

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We last made contact with Xander Harris (aka Justin Sweatt) when he played the fourth night of our Austin Imposition two weeks ago. Now, we hear from Pour Le Corps that he's releasing a sweet new cassette called Chrysalid, in a limited edition of 100. The album is available for full stream on their BandCamp and we've embedded it below – that's also where you can go to pick it up.

The opening track “Atrocity Museum”, begins with a sparse twitch, but quickly moves into chunkier science-fiction synths, coalescing into a track that would sit just right on top of a lazer-gun collection montage or a dark club full of LED-wear. But the record isn't just dance music or even trying too hard to put itself in a filmic place, despite titles like “Clockwork Heart” or references like “Cabaret Voltaire”. It's a composed piece, with technical liquid textures reigning over a kingdom of beats that are allowed to come and go as they please. The ending track, “Visor Glare”, is of more delicate construction, with a higher pitched synthetic sparkle curtain winding it's way around the melody like an audio moebius strip.

Via Decoder Magazine.