
Dead Prez's Stic pens “7 Ways to Eat Good on a Hood Budget”

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In a brutally honest look at health in the hood, Stic from infamous rap duo Dead Prez penned an easy how-to guide on eating well on a low budget and in a prohibitive environment. It's easily one of the best things to consult not just in hood circumstances, but when you're broke (which we all are anyway), and his advice is sage, truthful, and funny.

Here are some of the highlights, but you can go to Plant Based On A Budget for the full thing.

“During the week, all you have to do is pull something out of the freezer and heat it up. Them big Ziploc bags ain’t just for the D-boys! Lol”

“You may say “shoot, I dont make enough money to budget it!” lol, but you don’t have to make a lot of money to benefit from budgeting. Budgeting helps what ever we make stretch farther and get more of what we truly value out of what we have.”

“We can save our money and our internal organs by saying no to the liquid sugar caffiene crack juice aka sodas and artificial energy drinks and just sip on nature’s good old original elixir -H20!”