
AU, “Solid Gold (Deerhoof Remix)”

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The original version of AU's “Solid Gold” features a jumping rhythm section, part Caribbean, part hoe-down, and when it is joined with a similarly jaunty saxophone line, it keeps the solemnity of Luke Wyland's falsetto at bay. Deerhoof, in the remix of the track, removes any and all traces of this carnival, only holding on to the vocals and an occasional burst from that same saxophone. The rhythm is replaced by a series of electronic twitches and hollow knocks, which at first allow the vocals to come to the fore and explode into melancholy fireworks, but eventually vocal looping and brush snares come into play to push everything deeper into the mix. The effect is still moderately playful, but bringing a tinge of sadness to the party just makes it more meaningful in the end.

AU, “Solid Gold (Deerhoof Remix)

AU's full length Both Lights is available now on Hometapes. This remix will be released by Dig a Pony, on a 7-inch split with Pure Bathing Culture. AU is about to tour with Tu Fawning, followed by Zammuto, with a Luke Wyland opening up for Deerhoof and Raleigh Moncrief in Idaho in between. Dates below.