
Bikini check out with a free album

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Bikini No Blonde Jokes

Just when Bikini hit that high water mark of getting a song on a soundtrack to a film about angsty teenage super heroes, their speed boat ran out of fossil fuel. Just when they were placed amongst Simian Mobile Disco, M83, and Starfucker, they shot off their final roman candle. The duo of Nigel Diamond and Olivier Olivier announced it's first record on The India Trading Company would also be its last.

No Blonde Jokes is Bikini's swan song, a 10 song collection that never quite achieves the same anthemic bliss that RIPJDS rode out into three addictive singles. You can hear the faint call of previous hits in “On The Ocean”, but they never reach the inner canal and on down to that pleasure zone. The boys of Bikini left some final words, to let us know they are well, and possibly forever changed after watching Katy Perry's latest video.

This is our latest and last release as Bikini
it was recorded in NYCity
It's called No Blonde Jokes
and we're giving it to u as a gift
We're all doing other things now
cutting our hair and getting jobs
shaving our heads and joing the army
Thank you for listening to our music, ur the best

– Aaron Aujla

Download No Blonde Jokes here.