
The CBGBs movie trailer is now ready for your viewing pleasure

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Dead sharks are showing up on the subway. Jay-Z is acting out Groundhog Day to a crowd of disinterested elitists. Bands are canceling shows because the music industry is so dead the only way they can get people to care about them is if they don't show up. The world, despite how many chances we've been given to get it right, has all gone wrong. Adding to the shitstorm of upset is the movie known as CBGB, which finally has a trailer for your eyes to burn out of your skull to. Alan Rickman, who I think was in Harry Potter, I don't know I haven't seen it, plays CBGBs' owner Hilly Kristal, while Ashley Greene of Twilight fame or whatever, plays a girl with a very bad accent.

Watch the trailer below. Or don't. Does it matter? Does anything matter?