
Cold Showers, “Double Life”

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When the Cars made “Double Life”, featured on their 1979 record Candy O, it's doubtful that they thought the song was anything more than a cheeky bouncing pop ballad. However, at its core, “Double Life,” has intense melancholy, hidden by silly drum patterns, airy melodies and ballsy guitar solos. Cold Showers isn't afraid to make the party stop – their cover of “Double Life” is an atmospheric reaction to the Cars song that feels way less new wave and little more dark wave.

Cold Showers' version of “Double Life” feels desolate, like an abandoned factory. Throughout, there are light screeches of noise and repetitive percussion that resonate like rusted chains echoing into oblivion. The song's droning synth and murky bass move it along delicately with heartwrenching warmth. When the massive final chorus hits, it sounds as though someone has reawakened the spirit of the empty warehouse, briefly bringing back to life those things so nostalgic and dead.
Cold Showers' Decay 7″ is out now on Art Fag, and you can stream “Double Life,” below. Be sure to look out for Cold Showers' debut LP on Dais this fall…