
Death Grips remix The Prodigy's “Firestarter”

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Be honest with yourself—when was the last time you listened to 90s electronic-rage dance anthem “Firestarter”? Was it yesterday? Was it three weeks ago? Are you listening to it right now? There are mysteriously 40 million views of the hit video by English group The Prodigy on YouTube, which isn't to say that it isn't a song worth listening to—but like, still? Those 40 million views had to have amassed themselves since only 2008, which is an incredible feat since the song itself was released nearly twenty years ago. Modern-day listeners of “Firestarter”, who are you? Please get in touch with us.

Regardless, let's get to the point. The iconic rambunctious dance track got the remixing touch from Death Grips and it makes for exactly what you might expect. It's actually making us wonder if maybe Death Grips was in The Prodigy? Where does The Prodigy end and Death Grips begin? The remix has the signature energy and combustion factor that we find with Death Grips, but unfortunately has no rhyming from MC Ride. That might just put it over the edge and actually start a fire. It's a good listen, though. Check it out below.