
Dinowalrus launches Kickstarter in support of new album

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Following up the success of last year's Best Behavior, Brooklyn psych rock trio Dinowalrus are getting ready to unveil their third record, Complexion, featuring pre-released track, “Grounded”, and sure to live up to the standards they've been setting for the past six years as a band. Nadim Issa, who produced Best Behavior, recorded the upcoming album, and Jorge Elbrecht, known for his work with Ariel Pink and Violens, mixed it. Specifically to support the manufacturing costs of the vinyl pressing, they've set up a kickstarter as part of the fundraising effort. In the long term, the money will help get their self-created label, Personal Projects, off the ground, so this and future albums—in all their dance-rock/New Wave/80’s goth/breakbeat glory—have access to the proper resources. With a little help, they're shooting for a limited-run of 250 copies of black vinyl, with a full-color psychedelic jacket designed by vocalist/guitarist Pete Feigenbaum. Cool and thoughtful donation prizes abound. We're calling it a worthy cause.