
Exploding In Sound unveils their 20th release

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Pony Bones II Exploding In Sound

Exploding In Sound is a label that has endeared itself to this publication, as well as most music fans up and down the Northeast Corridor, with an astute ear and even better work ethic. Dan Goldin and company have quickly built a reputation upon quality releases, which is why reaching a milestone like No. 20 is newsworthy—even if Dan admits they haven't announced a release date for No. 19 yet.

Enter Pony Bones.

The “side-project” of Speedy Ortiz's Matt Robidoux (quotations denote he has many projects, so “side” is debatable), Pony Bones is actually a duo with Kate Hanlon (ex-Kendra) that harkens many of the familiar qualities you'd expect from Robidoux and EIS. The first single, “Clyfford”, from their sophomore EP—appropriately named Pony Bones II—is layered in melodic guitar tones as Matt seems content on burying his skills through a fog of visceral fuzz, which only adds a sense of urgency to what could otherwise be a very-charming pop song. Recorded in 2013, Pony Bones II will be available on cassete April 29, and one can only hope to see some live performances in between Robidoux's very hectic schedule.