
FKA Twigs Confronts Racist Remarks On Twitter

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FKA Twigs has taken to social media to confront several racist and abusive messages she received this week via Twitter. Allegedly, the hateful remarks were spurred in part from her new relationship from Twilight start Robert Pattinson. It would appear that his break up with co-star Kristen Stewart and new found relationship with the half Jamaican, half Latina pop singer has been too much for some team Edward fans to handle. Yesterday as a response the comments she tweeted:

Twigs has also posted a photo of herself (pictured above) on Instagram with the caption “arrow jamaica latina bambina” proudly embracing the color of her skin. The picture itself has also received a handful of hateful comments as well. Including a defending remark from one of the haters themselves saying, “She better gets some bodyguards and extra security. Some will get to her. I guess she can’t take the heat since already after one week she complains about hate. Girl will have to get used to it. Whoever dates Rob pattison should be off social media. he should have prepared her for that.”

Many have taken up support with Twigs on Twitter including here London based record label Young Turks tweeting:

It should be noted that cyberbullying is a criminal offense in the UK under the Communications Act of 2003, incurring either a fine or possibly even a prison sentence. In the United States, cyberbullying is handled on a state level and still not to be taken lightly.

FKA Twigs’ LP1 is out now on Young Turks.